This release of HuskHomes makes a
number of fixes and improvements. It is the first version of HuskHomes to completely require
Java 16.
- HuskHomes now requires Java 16
- Updated messages file to rearrange the edit home and edit warp menu; now all locales are formatted with MineDown (Fix #43)
- It is recommended that you regenerate your messages-xx-xx.yml file (delete it and allow the plugin to recreate it on startup)
- Fixed two IllegalArgumentExceptions, one with tab completing /edithome & /editwarp; another with using /back without having a last position when you join the server.
- Various Java-16 related optimizations.
- API: Fixed API & javadoc access via jitpack not functioning correctly.
- API: There is a new method of accessing the API; HuskHomesAPI#getInstance() - the old method, accessed through the main HuskHomes class has been deprecated.