HuskHomes 2.4 adds
cross-server /spawn (finally!),
permission-restricted warps and functionality to teleport players to
warps and public homes via console.
- Added a configuration option to set a /spawn position cross-server (#20)
- This works by setting a warp at the spawn position. The /spawn command automatically direct you there. The name of the "spawn" warp can be changed in the configuration too.
- To use, change "enabled" under spawn_command.bungee_network_spawn to true on all servers you want this enabled (make sure the warp_name matches too between them). Then, type /setspawn to set your cross-server spawn where you want on your network.
- Players will not respawn at a cross-server spawn position if they die on other servers (as player spawn points are per-server and can be updated by things like beds and respawn anchors)
- Added a configuration option to restrict warps behind permissions. (#25)
- Players will not be able to teleport to /warp locations unless they have the correct permission if this is enabled.
- To enable it in the config.yml, set "enabled" to true under warp_command.permission_restrictions
- Then, by default you will need to grant the permission huskhomes.warp.<warp_name> to allow users to use warps. You can also customize the format of the permission using the format config option.
- You can now teleport players to warps and public homes through console. (#26)
- Usage: /warp <warp> <player> or /phome <owner_name.home_name> <player> in console.
- This bypasses permission requirements and teleportation warmup; players will teleport instantly.
- (API) Fixed an issue for developers where updating home and warp object's descriptions tried to update their name (to admittedly hilarious results).
- Added three new translatable strings.
This update is designed to be a drag+drop replacement for the previous version of HuskHomes. If you're having issues with finding the new options in the configuration file, I recommend
regenerating it (make a copy of config.yml, delete the original then restart the server). Then you can go through and fill in the config again. As a reminder if you need support there's now a support discord (link on the resource page).
By the way, a few people have asked me in the past about tipping me for development, so I setup a "buy me a coffee" page. Thank you for your generosity, it's really appreciated, though don't feel obliged to donate. The link is now on the resource page.