HuskChat 2.1 adds group private messages, makes social and local spy persistent across restarts, fixes numerous bugs and adds Hungarian locales.
- Add support for private messaging a group, new config options (#42)
- Use /msg User1,User2 <message> to privately message multiple people at once. Useful for coordinating on a group project on busy servers.
- You can reply with /r as normal and the message will be sent to all group members.
- Group PMs appear with a (+X) indicating how many people are in the group. Hover over this in chat to view the list. Click it to suggest the correct /msg command.
- Admins can choose to enable or disable this and configure the maximum number of people one can message
- Local and social spy persistence courtesy of @TrueWinter in #30
- Your /socialspy and /localspy toggle state will now persist between restarts.
- Add Hungarian language courtesy of @MalzSmith in #26
- Escape player name to prevent text formatting courtesy of @TrueWinter in #32
- This affected players who had names prepended and appended with a double underscore, where their names would appear underlined.
- Added case insensitive emoji config option courtesy of @TrueWinter in #33
- This lets you accept :sMiLe: in addition to :smile: to produce the correct emoji, if you want to do some wacky stuff with that.
- Fixed a typo on a message courtesy of @notjoshmiles in #18
- Added permission check before sending social/local spy messages courtesy of @TrueWinter in #38
- If you lose permission to use socialspy, it will now automatically toggle you out of it.
- Added socialspy bypass permissions courtesy of @ironboundred in #39
- If you're an admin and don't want your mods spying on your funny business, you can use the new huskchat.command.socialspy.bypass permission node to prevent them from spying on you.
- Other users with this node will still be able to spy on you.
- You can now send messages to channels (e.g. g <message>) and use the /huskchat command via your proxy server's console, courtesy of @TrueWinter in #41
- Fixed some inconsistencies and double-sending issues occurring with the /msg command.
- Docs are now available on and the link has been updated to reflect this. The docs on the GitHub wiki are synchronized with the docs on the site.
To update, just drag+drop.