Honeypot Anti-Grief icon

Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot 3.0.5
Honeypot 3.0.5
Version 3.0.4 was pulled due to the bug it was supposed to fix not being fixed. Turns out I had made a typo which caused the problem to not be solved. During testing, another major bug was discovered that can cause the plugin to silently fail to finish loading, so this update is recommended for all Honeypot users. The changelog below is largely technical, but is here in the spirit of transparency. I apologize for any issue this caused. Luckily, 3.0.4 was only downloaded twice before the issue was caught, and I know at least one of the servers it was running on was the person who reported it.


  • None

  • Within the InventoryClickDragEventListener file, it was discovered by a member of my Discord server that the event wasn't being cancelled prior to action being taken, meaning that if a player was removed from the general vicinity of a container, they would keep items inside. See here for the action, and here for the cancellation. So, the event.setCancelled(false) line was moved to above. However, keen eyed devs may notice the issue: #setCancelled(false) is, obviously, false. This should be true, so the event was still not being cancelled. This has been fixed and tested thoroughly to ensure the problem has been resolved.

  • During testing, I threw Honeypot onto a test server (without Vault) and was extremely confused when the /honeypot command wasn't working, but was also not throwing errors. In debugging this I found I left a return; statement inside the #onEnable() method which returns early out of the #onEnable() if Vault isn't found. The original vault code used to live in its own method, but I moved it inside the #onEnable() method a while back and clearly forgot to remove the return. This caused several issues due to the early return, including:
    • GriefPrevention support was not loaded
    • The command manager for Honeypot was not registered (Existing Honeypots would work, but the /honeypot command and GUI would not)
    • The splash message was not output
    • The Folia check was not done
    • Server version support verification was not completed
    • The update check was not ran
    These issues have been fixed

  • None
Known Bugs:

  • None at the moment. If you find a bug, raise an issue!

  • None

  • None
Nerd info
MD5 checksums:

  • 2192446e2626b1198ea16ae9bc34e9bb honeypot-core-3.0.5.jar
  • bd2b4fc33324ff0442f5056da013f0e5 honeypot-core-3.0.5-javadoc.jar
  • 5355f588e6515410e4b004115d67ed09 honeypot-core-3.0.5-sources.jar
----------, Nov 19, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,516
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings