Honeypot Anti-Grief icon

Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot 2.5.0
Hi everyone! No, you're not seeing things. This was supposed to be 2.4.0 but I accidentally named it 2.5.0. Oh well
This update is pretty massive, and fixes quite a few bugs as well as adds a really amazing history command to allow staff to query player Honeypot activity. If a player triggers a Honeypot, you'll know where and when it happened, and what the action was!

  • Created a new /honeypot history command for querying player history
    • Permission is honeypot.history
  • Added history GUI button to main menu.
  • Added alias to the honeypot command. You may now use /hp for all Honeypot commands
  • Added info command and warning messages if server admins try to load Honeypot on a version of Spigot this plugin doesn't yet support.
  • Added more caching checks so Honeypots can also get data from the cache, not just verify their status.
  • Updated some configs and language files.
  • Fixed a bug where players who lit TNT to break blocks wouldn't activate Honeypot blocks.
  • Fixed improper permission registration in plugin.yml caused by a recent change to the remove and break permissions.
  • Updated the language files to version 2. Please make sure if you're using a custom language file that you add translations for the newest entries. Built-in languages will update automatically.
  • None
Known Bugs:
  • None at the moment. If you see any bugs, please be sure to report them!
  • The history command relies on a new object type, HoneypotPlayerHistoryObject. This object contains the player's name, UUID, the date and time of the event, and the HoneypotBlockObject.
  • You may retrieve these history objects by using the new HoneypotPlayerHistoryManager class, which contains functions for adding, removing, querying, and purging the history table in the database.
----------, Aug 13, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,516
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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Released: --------------------
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