Honeypot Anti-Grief icon

Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot 2.2.5
Honeypot 2.2.5 is a small update adding support for 3rd party plugins. WorldGuard is tested and working but not fully implemented yet. GriefPrevention is experimental. This version also confirms support on 1.19.1 servers.

Also, for developers, the Honeypot API has been split into its own git submodule for independent development. I will be updating the docs for how to develop against the API shortly. For now, just download the Honeypot-API and put it in your build path.

3rd party plugin support
Adds third party support for GriefPrevention and WorldGuard. Current WorldGuard is tested and functioning, but integration is not complete (For example, /rg bypass is not respected, GriefPrevention is experimental.

  • Adds a new WorldGuard flag, "allow-honeypots". This flag defaults to true. If set to false, Honeypots will not be allowed to be created within the region, even if the person building is a member.
  • Pre-existing Honeypots will still function if a region is defined around them
  • A new config option has been placed in config.yml under a "3rd party settings" section. If set to false, Honeypot's will not be able to be created within GriefPrevention claims, even if the person has build permissions.
  • GriefPrevention is experimental and has not been tested due to a lack of API documentation. I'm working on testing this, but wanted to release it for now.
  • Pre-existing Honeypots will still function if a claim is made around them
  • While /reload has been an unsupported command for quite some time, Honeypot technically worked fine when being reloaded. However, due to WorldGuard integration, reloading is no longer supported. Don't do it!
----------, Jul 31, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,516
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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