Good afternoon everyone! This release changes the way Honeypot custom actions function. Version v2.1.1 is planning to be an upgrade to the API, and version v2.2 will allow connections to 3rd party plugins to ensure Honeypots don't get left behind (For example, if WorldEdit removes a Honeypot
block. In this example, the Honeypot will still remain referenced in the DB, and can still trigger actions if replaced and then removed again).
- /honeypot upgrade command to allow admins to upgrade from previous versions to 2.1.0. This command does nothing if upgrading from a version prior to 1.6 OR if you don't have any custom actions.
- honeypots.yml file, which stores custom Honeypot types. Please visit the wiki for more info on creating these blocks. The plugin comes with 3 demo custom Honeypot blocks for you to try.
- In the past, one single command was stored in the database, and that command would be run on the player breaking the block. Now, Honeypots simply store either one of the default types, or a key of a custom type. Upon breaking, if the type is custom, it will search for that in the honeypots.yml and, depending on the type of block, execute the proper tasks. See this page for creating custom actions.
- Honeypot now depends on Vault and will not load without it. This is to ensure functionality of permission Honeypots
- No features have been removed from this version
Known Bugs:
- There is no back button on menus to return to the previous menu. If you are in a paginated menu (Like if you have over 27 Honeypots) then the back and forward page buttons work fine, but there is no button to return to the previous menu. I'm trying to figure out how to implement this, but for now this is an issue. It doesn't limit functionality, it's just annoying

- If you see any bugs, please be sure to report them!