Honeypot Anti-Grief icon

Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot v1.6.5
Honeypot v1.6.5 doesn't add too many new features, however it does bring some important changes.


  • New honeypot.removecommand permission for removing a block via command without giving the player the ability to remove it by breaking it
  • New subcommands for /honeypot remove (all | near)
    The "near" subcommand will remove all honeypot blocks within a 5 block radius.
    The "all" will remove every single honeypot block on the server.
    Choosing to omit the optional "all" or "near" subcommand will just remove the block you're looking at, as normal.
  • Added %location% placeholder for use in custom actions. This placeholder will get the exact location of the player breaking the block in the format "x y z". For example, "Player" is standing at x=0, y=65, z=0 and breaks a custom action honeypot block. That Honeypot block was set to run this action: tp Player %location%. It would resolve to tp Player 0 65 0

  • Completely removed JSON support. JSON was done poorly and I didn't like how difficult it was to implement. It was extremely fast (Due to using RAM instead of a DB file) but it was very complex and I just didn't like it. More storage options will be added in the future, but for now SQLite is the only supported storage medium.

  • Fixed NPE if player attempts to run /honeypot create without being in range and looking at a block
  • Fixed bug with custom action where the "nothing" Honeypot would try to run the command "nothing" upon break. This was due to me forgetting to add an additional case statement in the switch statement within HoneypotBreakEventListener.java and it taking the default path, which is where custom actions are done (Nothing honeypots used to take the default).
----------, Apr 27, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,516
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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