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Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot 1.4 - The SQLite Support
Honeypot 1.4.1

This version contains many bug fixes and adds SQLite support!!!!! SQLite is a database that allows for very quick data lookups and non-volatile permanent storage. This is now the DEFAULT storage method, however you can still use JSON if you wish. There are no new in-game features or commands, this is just a big-fix and storage update.

  • SQLite support. The database is stored within the plugin folder and is called "honeypot.db".
  • Added a config option called "database". This will default to "sqlite" as it is the recommended way to store plugin data.
  • Proper tab completion. This is being considered a feature and also a bug fix.
  • SQLite requires the jdbc library, which came with my installation of Java by default. However, your server may not have it. If you are self hosting, install jdbc in your java /lib folder. If you are hosting with a server provider, ask them about installing jdbc on your server.

  • When players join with the "honeypot.update" permission and an update is available, instead of just being told where to go to download the plugin, you are now also able to go to the Github page.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed in the 1.4 update (Now pulled)
  • Fixed a bug where tab complete would always list all subcommands instead of partial matches
  • Fixed a bug with the "breaks-before-action" config option where A) if the value was more than 1, and B) the player had at least one of these permissions (exempt, remove, or OP), the event would be cancelled without any feedback from the system and the block would be impossible to break without the "/honeypot remove" command.
  • Fixed a bug where the "/honeypot reload" command was blocked from being run via console
  • Fixed a bug where any partial block in front of a targeted block was selected for the create command. For example, looking at a bookshelf that was behind a lever and running the "/honeypot create" command would create a Honeypot on the lever, not the bookshelf. Turns out, Spigot added a "getTargetBlockExact" method and I was using "getTargetBlock". Very easy fix once I learned about it!
  • Fixed a bug where honeypot blocks would activate regardless of what world they were created in (For example, a non-honeypot in the nether at 0, 0, 0 would function just the same as a honeypot block in the overworld at 0, 0, 0)
    • Please note that the plugin will not convert your database automatically. Because I cannot guess which world your honeypot is in, the plugin will just allow blocks to be broken. Please visit the wiki on how to fix your existing JSON database.
Fixed in the 1.4.1 update (Current)
  • Fixed a bug where Honeypot events triggered in different worlds but at the same coordinates could fail when using JSON
  • Fixed a bug in which Honeypot blocks at the same coordinates but in different worlds would fail to be created when using SQLite due to a primary key constraint failing
  • Fixed a bug in which Honeypot blocks at the same coordinates but in different worlds would fail to be created when using JSON due to improper logic during creation

Known Issues:
  • None. Please open an issue on Github if you have any!
----------, Dec 5, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,516
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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