hElytraSwap | [1.16.5-1.19.4] icon

hElytraSwap | [1.16.5-1.19.4] -----

Elitra swap at the touch of a PCM

About of plugin:

hElytraSwap is a plugin that allows you to right-click when a player is wearing a breastplate to swap it for an elite, this unique feature will help your players to swap and catch up with another one as quickly as possible, or fly away from the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Please note:
  • Java 11 or higher is required to use version 1.16.5 and above.
Cmds of plugin:
  • None.
Config of plugin:
  • With hElytraSwap, you and only you control the plugin itself by configuring it in the config.

I'm warning you! My native language is Russian and I communicate with you through a translator, sorry for the mistakes.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10
First Release: Yesterday at 7:07 AM
Last Update: Yesterday at 7:07 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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