Added Feature: 'Weight Limits'
You can enable and define weight limits for bags.
All existing bags will receive the default weight limit once enabled.
Refer to weight.yml to enable this feature.
Added Command: '/havenbags weight <number>'
Sets the weight limit of the held bag.
(Assosiated permission: 'havenbags.weight')
Added: Full support for PlaceholderAPI.
Added: Internal placeholders.
Refer to GitHub (lang.yml) to view all placeholders and their respected messages.
Added: The ability to customize the order of lore entries on bags.
Updated: How messages are parsed.
Changed: Lang.yml entries 'bound-to' and 'bag-size' no longer accept additional lines.
Please use the new 'bag-lore-add' for additional lines.
Fixed: AutoPickup would create a new stack, if the first found stack was full.
Fixed: AutoPickup wouldn't pick up, if there were only full stacks in the bag of the item.
Fixed: Ownerless bags could not have their names reset, with '/havenbags rename'.