1. HavenBags now support PlaceholderAPI in some lore entries.
For now placeholders must be in
{ } instead of
% %, due to the current parsing system using %.
Example: {essentials_nickname} instead of %essentials_nickname%.
(I'm going to work towards upgrading the lang.yml parsing system, so that %s will be replaced with actual placeholders, such as %size% and %owner%)
- bag-bound-name
- bag-lore
- bound-to
- bag-size
ALL lore entries will support PlaceholderAPI in the next update, not just these 4.
I have to upgrade the base system first, and this is just a temporary solution to add PAPI.
2. Bag lore should no longer say "and more.." when content-preview-size is over 5 and there are over 5 times.
(Say preview-size is 9 and the bag has 6 items. Despite being way under the preview-size, it would still say "and more..")
3. You can now change the title of the bag GUI in lang.yml