This is a huge Warp, Home, Spawn & Teleport Plugin with a lot of Settings and Functions which supports conections with other Plugins like Dynmap or BentoBox, which can all be changed by you in the Plugin-Config and the Lang-Files!
Supports Bukkit, Spigot & Paper-Servers from 1.9 to 1.21.4!
If you like my Plugins and Libraries please support me by leaving a good Review!
BentoBox-Implementation Change if Players can set there Warp and Homes on other Islands
Advanced Warp, Home and AdminWarp-Features
Tpa & TpaHere-Features
Set the Tpa-Respond-Time & Toggle Tpa-Requests
Teleport to the Spawn You can teleport Players to the Spawn if they join your Server
Better WarpCooldowns
Warp-Cooldowns are now much more performant than in GWarp. Also you can see how long the active Cooldown are until you can warp again!
Warp WarmUp-Features
Define a WarmUp-Timer which defines how long a Player must stand still until he gets teleported!
WorldBlacklist for Warps & Homes
More Config-Options!
Define if Players can use Warp / Home or the Spawn from a diffrent World
Define Warp-Welcome-Placeholder-Formats (Time and Date)
Create Warp-Signs for your Warps!
Create custom CommandShortcuts!
Custom Warp-Ratings! Decimal-Ratings!
Upgrade your Data from GWarp to GWarpPro!
Note: With the purchase of this Plugin you can get the Premium-Rank on the Discord-Server!! Simply write to a Staff on the Server with your Spigot Name!
You can enable or disable it in the Plugin-Config.
But what is Safe-Warp?
"Safe-Warp" checks if a Warp is safe befor you get teleported to them,
so you are protected at traps, lava or other ways to kill the teleported Player.
When is a Warp safe?
A Warp is safe when 1 Block in each Direction of the Warp-Location is
Air and the Block under the Warp-Location is a Soild-Block.
/warp help -> Helplist
/warp <Warp> -> Warp yourself
/warp top -> Top-Warp-List
/warp list [<Page>] -> Warp-List
/warp set <Warpname> -> Create a Warp
/warp delete <Warp> -> Delete a Warp
/warp update <Warp> -> Move a Warp
/warp welcome <Warp> [<Text>/clear] -> Change a Warp's Welcome-Message
/warp warps [<Page>] [<Player>] -> Shows Player Warps
/warp lock <Warp> -> Lock or unlock a Warp
/warp owner <Warp> -> Shows the Warp-Owner
/warp password <Warp> [<Password>/clear] -> Set a Warp-Password
/warp effect <Warp> [<Effect>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Effect
/warp sound <Warp> [<Sound>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Sound
/warp icon <Warp> [<Material>/clear] -> Change the Warp-Icon
/warp rate <Warp> [<Rate>/clear] -> Rate a Warp
/warp rating <Warp> -> Shows a Warprating
/awarp help -> Helplist
/awarp <Warp> [<Player>] -> Warp a Player
/awarp set <Warpname> <Player> -> Create a Warp
/awarp delete <Warp> -> Delete a Warp
/awarp update <Warp> -> Move a Warp
/awarp welcome <Warp> [<Text>/clear] -> Change a Warp's Welcome-Message
/awarp lock <Warp> -> Lock or unlock a Warp
/awarp password <Warp> [<Password>/clear] -> Set a Warp-Password
/awarp effect <Warp> [<Effect>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Effect
/awarp sound <Warp> [<Ton>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Sound
/awarp count <Warp> -> Lock or unlock a Warp Visitorcounter
/awarp setowner <Warpname> <Player> -> Set a Warp-Owner
/awarp reset <Warpname> -> Reset a Warp Visitorcounter
/awarp icon <Warp> [<Material>/clear] -> Change the Warp-Icon
/awarp rate <Warp> <Player> [<Material>/clear] -> Rate a Warp
/awarp safe <Warp> -> Set a Warp permanently to a Safe-State
/awarp upgrade -> Upgrade the Warp-Data from GWarp
/home help -> Helplist
/home <Home> -> Home yourself
/home set <Homename> -> Create a Home
/home delete <Home> -> Delete a Home
/home update <Home> -> Move a Home
/home homes [<Page>] -> Show your Homes
/ahome help -> Helplist
/ahome <Home> <Player> [<Player>] -> Home a Player
/ahome set <Player> <Homename> -> Create a Home
/ahome delete <Player> <Home> -> Delete a Home
/ahome update <Player> <Home> -> Move a Home
/ahome homes <Player> [<Page>] -> Show Player Homes
/ahome upgrade -> Upgrade the Home-Data from GWarp
Known Bugs or Issues that are not yet resolved in the newest Version:
There are currently no known or not fixed Issues!
If you discover any kind of Bug please instantly contact me in the Discussion-Area, send me a DM or join the GPlugins Discord Server, so i can fix this as soon as possible!
By purchasing, downloading or using GWarpPro, you agree that:
You will not refund, chargeback, or contrarily repeal your purchase!
You will not publish or upload this plugin to others!
You will not write a bad review without first asking for help using one of the methods listed (Discord, Spigot forum, private message) above and waiting a reasonable amount of time for your problem to be resolved!!
Any violations will be reported to the SpigotMC team!