- Added support for Bungeecord
- Optimized some parts of code
This is a beta version of the plugin and is not guaranteed to work perfectly, so errors and problems may be present.
Use the version if any errors happens.
You need to delete the database tables if you are using MySQL or delete the 'database.db' file if you are using SQLite.
Report any problems related to the plugin in the support discord server
https://pixelstudios.dev/discord .
- Download the ZIP containing the two versions of the plugin.
- Insert the file "Guilds-Bukkit-1.2.0-BETA-1.jar" into the "plugins" folder of each spigot/bukkit server where you want to install Guilds.
- Place the file "Guilds-Bungee-1.2.0-BETA-1.jar" in the "plugins" folder of the bungeecord server.
- Start the servers.
- In the file located in "plugins/Guilds/config.yml" of each spigot/bukkit server make the following changes: Set the value "guilds.settings.bungeecord.enabled" to "true."
- Restart the spigot/bukkit servers.
Tip: We strongly recommend using MySQL.
More information on the plugin wiki