[+] Added "MaterialWhiteList"-Config-Option [Defines the List of Materials on which a Player can sit or lay (Write the Materials in upper case) (If not empty the Player can only sit on this Blocks!)] (Requested by @xSynaptic)
[+] Added WhiteList-Block-Check!
[+] Added a new Damage-Animation for laying Players!
[>] Players can now hit laying Players again!
[>] Player-Armor now gets hidden correctly! (Note: Now your Armor and Hand-Items get hidden while you are laying. You can still click and move them around!)
[>] Highly improved Event-Handler thanks to a new Listener
[!] Fixed some Issues where Players can't take Damage while they are lying down
[!] Fixed some Issues where Players sometimes get kicked out of their Sit / Lay or Crawl State
[!] Fixed an Issue where a Player can sit on invisible Players
[!] Fixed an Issue where a Player didn't get ejected correctly when he sits on a Player who tries to lay or crawl
[!] Fixed an Issue where a laying Player doesn't show up correctly in the Tablist
[!] Fixed an Issue where a laying Player sometimes doesn't get displayed in the Tab Complete-List
[!] Fixed some Issues where the Snore-Sounds doesn't play correctly
[!] Fixed some Issues where Players were sometimes invisible after they stood up
[!] Fixed some Issues where NPCs still lay on the ground after a Player stood up
[!] Fixed some Issues with the invisible Player-Hitbox
[!] Player-Armor of laying Players no longer gets displayed to himself!
[!] Fixed an Index Exception from the last PlayerSit-Change (Thanks to @LucianDevran for the Report!)