GPS [1.9 - 1.21] | Global Positioning System For Your Server | icon

GPS [1.9 - 1.21] | Global Positioning System For Your Server | -----

An actual GPS featuring 360° 3D axis arrows, in-game configurator, and advanced path computation!

[1.15.4] API Expansion!
  • API | A bunch of new methods have been added to the API for you developers to play around with. Below is a list of the methods added and a brief description of their purpose and functionality:
    Code (Java):
    //Get all of the locally configured points from the points.yml file.
    List <Point > getConfigurationPoints ( ) ;

    //Get all local points including externally added points from plugins using the API on the server.
    List <Point > getAllPoints ( ) ;

    //Get all points added by the plugin with the given name.
    List <Point > getPluginPoints ( String pluginName ) ;

    //Get the closest point to a given location selected from the list of locally configured points.
    void getClosestConfigurationPoint (Location location, Consumer <Point > consumer ) ;

    //Get the closest point to a given players location selected from the list of locally configured points.
    void getClosestConfigurationPoint (Player player, Consumer <Point > consumer ) ;

    //Get the closest point to a given location selected from the list of locally and externally configured points.
    void getClosestGlobalPoint (Location location, Consumer <Point > consumer ) ;

    //Get the closest point to a given players location selected from the list of locally and externally configured points.
    void getClosestGlobalPoint (Player player, Consumer <Point > consumer ) ;
    Requested by @Tiippex

----------, Aug 14, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,019
First Release: Mar 4, 2018
Last Update: Dec 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
Version -----
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