Quality of life: Added the GPS Configurator Stick. This simplifies configuring the GPS by a lot! As seen in the GIF above you can select points at a distance of up to 100 blocks away and connect, disconnect, and move points with a few clicks. This tool requires the operator to have the permission: gps.commands.configurator. If a player tries to use it without said permission they will receive the invalidPermission message.
New command: Added the /gpsc stick command. This command will add a configurator stick to your inventory. This command requires the gps.commands.configurator permission.
Messages: Added two new messages to the Messages.Configurator section:
Code (YAML):
noPointInEyeSight: '
%confPrefix% &cNo point in eyesight.' addedStick: '
%confPrefix% &aA Configurator Stick has been added to your inventory.'
Placeholder: The placeholder %distanceRounded% is now supported in the GPS arrowName in the config.yml. This will show the rounded distance instead of the distance with two decimals. The %distance% placeholder is still supported and its behavior has not been changed.