* fixed:
- fixed an issue where using an item while holding more than one item in hand would count the usage for all items in hand.
- reduced the excessive boost given by the hook item when used while gliding. Now, you can set a custom speed in the configuration.
Code (Text):
- !<hook>
... // remaining code
divideGliding: 2.5 // <---------------- THIS LINE
* added
- ModelData: from now on, you can add custom modelData to items.
Code (Text):
material: "BLAZE_ROD"
displayname: "#ff9436Stick of levitation"
- "&7"
unbreakable: true
modelData: 33 // <--------------- HERE
- added a title message. Below, you can see an example:
Code (Text):
- !<bear_fur>
... // remaining code
enabled: false
title: "&aTitle Yourself"
subtitle: "&7Subtitle"
fadeIn: 10
stay: 20
fadeOut: 10
enabled: false
title: "&aTitle opponents"
subtitle: "&7Subtitle"
fadeIn: 10
stay: 20
fadeOut: 10
- added the option to enable visual cooldown in the configuration.
Code (Text):
- !<bear_fur>
... // remaining code
visualCooldown: true // <----- HERE