Gamemodes! icon

Gamemodes! -----

Have commands like /gmc, /gms, etc., without all the hassle of other plugins!

Big plugin update! Details:
Release 1.0.3, Big features!

New additions:

GMLock command, With this command you can set someone's gamemode and they can't change it until the /GMUnlock command is used on them

Why is this useful?
- Because sometimes plugins will try to change your gamemode and you don't want that and sometimes you have that one player that has been finding exploits and changing gamemodes, With this command you don't have to worry! Just use it on the troublesome players like so: /GMLock <player> <gamemode>, The plugin will detect gamemode changes and revert them instantly!

GMUnlock command, This command will allow you to unlock someones gamemode that was locked with the /GMLock command! Just use it like so: /GMUnlock <player>

(Of course each of these new commands have their own permission nodes, The spigot page will be updated shortly to include the new permissions )

Other features:
We now offer a built in update checker!
- It runs when the server starts and/or the plugin gets reloaded, It will notify you via console if an update is needed.

There is now a GMLockData.yml file.
- Don't edit this file as it stores important data on if a player is meant to have their gamemode locked, Editing this file might break stuff!

Alright! That's all for this update, I really hope you all find this useful and if you need help or have a bug join my Discord and I'll help you sort it out!
----------, Aug 17, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 189
First Release: Aug 13, 2024
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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