[4.4.0] Miniatures, Anti lag system & Save unlocked cosmetic items in MySQL/File
Why Premium: GadgetsMenu has been developed for 3 years since it was first released in 2015. Tons of the features has been added into plugin. Our team(1 people) spent hours per day to develop new features to benefit you all. In order to provide further features, we need to transfer into Premium to maintain daily expenses.
New Cosmetic items:
Miniatures has been added!
Added 22 miniatures.
Added 48 Hats.
Added 4 Animated Hats.
Added 7 Banners.
Added 1 Cloak.
Main Changes:
This plugin reached to 2MB.
Anti lag system has been added into plugin. Unequip online players cosmetics and disable the usage of cosmetics if server is running on low TPS. (Can be modify in config)
Cosmetics can now disable in certain regions.(Required WorldGuard)
Unlocked cosmetic items data will now be saved in MySQL/File instead of 3rd permission plugin. (Highly recommended you all use MySQL to store data)
Miniatures placeholder has been added. (Placeholders)
New commands has been added. (/gmenu addperm, /gmenu removeperm & /gmenu status)
Minor Changes:
Added an option to change the default value of Mystery Vault Animation. (Can be changed in config)
Each quality of Mystery Box has its own "no permission" message now.
The display name of exploding sheep can now be changed.
The name of gadget categories GUI name can now be changed in gadgets file.
The name of pet categories GUI name can now be changed in gadgets file.
The name of suit categories GUI name can now be changed in gadgets file.
You can now modify the main menu layout.
"Available Mystery Boxes" Hologram display nothing when player is opening Mystery Box.
{PREFIX} is now able to use in all messages including lore.
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed ISSUES-593 - Player get kicked for invalid move packet while using Pocket Beach Gadget.
Fixed ISSUES-636 - Players can pass the world border with Spooderman suit.
26 Rainbow Alphabets Hat
12 Constellation Hat
Gold Block Hat
Diamond Block Hat
Neutral Hat
Fall In Love Hat
China Hat
Nurse Hat
Cool Doge Hat
Skull Hat
Pumpkin Hat
Pacman Hat
Traffic Light Animated Hat
Joe The Penguin Animated Hat
Comet The Reindeer Animated Hat
Broken TV Animated Hat
# Anti Lag System.
# Activate these actions if server TPS is below the minimum TPS.
Enabled: false
Minimum-TPS: 17
# Unequip online players cosmetics.
Clear-Cosmetics: true
# Disable the usage of cosmetics.
Disable-Usage: true
# Player does not allow to use cosmetics in these regions.
- region1
- region2
- region3