FluffyLobby - The Ultimate Lobby Plugin for Network Lobbys
FluffyLobby is a simple yet powerful lobby plugin, perfect for proxy networks. It provides essential features to enhance your lobby experience, with every message fully customizable through the config.
Customizable Join/Leave Messages: Personalize join and leave messages with color codes and PlaceholderAPI support!
Lobby Items: Configure items with custom names, materials, and slots in the player's inventory.
Build Mode: Toggle build mode for yourself or other players, with customizable messages and game mode switching.
Spawn Management: Set and teleport to the spawn point with easy-to-use commands.
Particle Halo: Add a cool particle effect halo around players when they join the lobby.
/build [player]: Toggle build mode for yourself or another player.
/setspawn: Set the current location as the spawn point.
/spawn: Teleport to the set spawn point.
/fluffylobby reload: Reload the plugin configuration.