FeatherBoard icon

FeatherBoard -----

A packet based animated scoreboard that runs like a feather on your server

v4.8.0 - Advanced scripting
This update gives developers the ability to create their own effects and easily add them to existing scoreboards. Additional features are useful for people who design and sell scoreboard configs
- You can now sideload JS from an URL, etc...
Example: https://github.com/Maximvdw/FeatherBoardScripts/blob/master/ScrambleEffect.js
- <script> is now linked with script-pre and script-post. Meaning you can use variables or functions.
- <script> now supports the return of array of strings so you can return animations
- Added <% ... %> tag that is same as <script>, but it will be computed upon loading the scoreboard (run once)
It is therefore useful to use this for things that have no variable data (placeholders, etc...)
- Added support for object based settings
NOTE: This means that objects are not always strings like 4.7 or before. Previously you would do (settings['test'] === "true"), now you need to do (settings['test'] == true) or remove the "== true"
----------, May 14, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,011
First Release: Dec 28, 2014
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
577 ratings
Find more info at featherboard.org...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings