- Armor stands rather than villagers for Combat Loggers.
- Armor stands will now show the health and update as players hit them
- Nametags will no longer disappear on the loggers
- The game will no longer end if there are two players left and one leaves. It will wait for the logger to be killed or despawn
- Fixes issue where loggers would move around in newer versions
- Ores can no longer be collected with tools not allowed.
- Discord Webhooks will now have separate TAG options (see config changes)
- Fixed an issue with water and lava in practice
- Fixed an issue with timber not working correctly
- You can now use /config <ConfigType> <True:False:Value> to manually enable/disable or change values without the GUI
- Removed {prefix}, {suffix} from default chat formatting
- Updated wiki list of config and scenario names
- Removed no longer used code
Config Changes:
Please update your discord.yml to have these under each webhook format:
Code (Text):
URL: ''
LOGO: ''
TAG: '@everyone'
URL: ''
LOGO: ''
TAG: '@everyone'