Hey all! I got a few changes that have been requested for a while, in addition to some fixes.
You can now set delays on JoinItems, add them to items like
delay: 5 (will keep the player from using it once every 5 seconds).
Updated the portal menu config option to allow for a bounce back. (see config changes below).
Added PlaceholderAPI placeholder %FateHub_In_Queue_SERVERNAME% to display the number of people in a queue on a specific server.
Fixed an issue where the portal material if it was lowercase would cause an error.
Fixed enchant names showing on some versions when using glow: true.
Updated backend APIs.
Config Changes:
Update your settings.yml PORTAL-MENU section to the following:
Code (Text):
#Should a menu open when you walk into a nether portal?
ENABLED: false
# What menu.yml should be opened?
MENU-NAME: "server-navigation"
# What portal material? (Changes at points through versions)
# Should the portal teleport you to the spawn?
# Should the portal bounce you back?