This update adds Faction Vaults! To use:
- /f vault <number>
- Permission: factions.vault is included factions.kithalfplayer
- /f setmaxvaults <faction> <number> - set the max vaults "factions.setmaxvaults"
- conf.json value `defaultMaxVaults` self explanatory.
You will need PlayerVaults build #201 or newer to utilize this. You can find that here:
This is a release candidate. That means that there might be issues and any you find should be reported to the issue tracker as always.
PlayerVaults is a dev build and handles all vault operations. That means that you should assume there are issues with the vault operations as I just made some major changes to the project today to support Faction Vaults. Please report any issues you find and be careful utilizing Faction Vaults on large servers in production.
Other changes:
- @fuzzybot fix /f unclaim and /f unclaim 1 from the previous release.