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Big Feature: NEW /F PERMS
Big Feature: NEW /F PERMS
New permissions management system allows for greater flexibility.
Automatically migrates existing permissions set for all factions.
DOES NOT migrate anything configured different from default in default_permissions files.
REMOVES the separate offline perms, which was a relatively unused (and very useless) feature.
New default setup replicates the previous setup, with less repetition.
Determination of what a given player, faction, role, etc. can do in faction territory is based upon what selectors apply to them.
Selectors can be things like:
Anyone with a relation at least neutral (neutral, truce, ally).
A specific relation.
Anyone in the faction moderator or up.
Anyone in the faction *at mosta member.
A specific player or faction.
Of course, still can set a specific relation or role.
Matching *everythingto set a default for all.
For a given selector, permissible actions (build, destroy, buttons, etc. just like before) can be set allow/deny.
In the config, override selectors (and permissible actions) can be set. This replaces `lock`ing a given setting.
Permissible actions (e.g. build, destroy, buttons) can be set to be entirely hidden from players.
Useful if you don't want to allow painbuild for example, or if you don't have warps there's no reason to show the option.
Shiny new clickable text interface for managing it all.
First use of Adventure MiniMessage with shiny new translations.conf
See the documentation site for details on this whole system.
Next step will be utilizing this system with a revamped /f owner
More Features:
New WorldGuard 7 feature: PVP zones
Enabled with config entry pvppriority in the WorldGuard section.
Set a WorldGuard region flag `fuuid-pvp` to allowed, and in that area FactionsUUID will not prevent PVP.
This allows for friendly-fire, fighting allies, whatever you like in a specified area.
Great for spawn arenas.
Added new {faction-link} tag to show the /f link in situations where you want those links public
Added three new luckperms contexts:
For example faction-id=0 for players without a faction. Uses the actual storage id and not the tag because tags can change.
true if in a peaceful faction, false if not
true if in a permanent faction, false if not
Dynmap improvements:
Overall speedier.
New config entry claimUpdatePeriod modifies how often claims are updated.
New config entry onlyUpdateWorldOnce is great for permanent world map servers that never change claims.
Revamped `/f debug` for shininess.
No longer does that silly WorldGuard exception if running an older WG.
Fixes bug where `/f invite` wouldn't send a confirmation message to the inviting player if the invitee was offline.
Fixed PlayerVaultsX exception.
Potentially fixed getting slapped out of flight on join, and re-enabled auto-flight on join when it should happen.
Fixed a few edge cases where the EssX fixer throws an exception to console.
Fixed bug where config migrator would get grumpy on a super old config.
No longer has an edge case of reusing internal faction ID number.
Unban command no longer requires moderator status. Simply requires ban perms like the ban command does.
Better handles renamed accounts.
Fixed dynmap config defaults being ignored.
Oct 11, 2021
View on SpigotMC
Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Sep 2, 2014
Last Update:
Feb 11, 2025
All-Time Rating:
247 ratings
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