FactionsUUID icon

FactionsUUID -----

Premium Factions for premium people.

WorldGuard flag and on-join teleport and more
- Deny claiming based on worldguard region flag:
--- If enabled and the fuuid-claim flag is set to DENY in a region overlapping with a given chunk, claiming will be denied in that chunk.
- New command: /f link
--- Let your factions link members to their discord invite or other URL
--- Permisison node `factions.link` to run command at all
--- Must be moderator or above to set the link by writing `/f link urlhere`
- Territory teleport:
--- New (disabled by default) feature to teleport players out of non-self territory on join.
--- For example, auto teleport players in enemy territory who last left the server more than 5 minutes ago.
--- See territoryTeleport section of config.
- Updated /f claimfill:
--- In bypass mode, can claimfill any faction rather than just wilderness.
- Allows peaceful faction members to cure zombies.
--- Thank you dariasc for the code contribution.
- Updated /f powerboost:
--- Two new ways to run the command (old way still works):
--- `/f powerboost set faction factionname 0`
--- `/f powerboost add faction factionname 1`
- Updated `/f top` code to behave a lot better.
--- Thank you Ichbinjoe for the code contribution.
- Sped up economy handling a bit more for offline players (used in `/f top` for example).
- Improved saving logic.
--- Now by default saves players unless their power is at exactly the starting value.
--- New config option `saveAllPlayers` to make it always save everyone.
- Added description limits.
--- Default still not limited, but config entry added for setting a max length.
- New placeholders.
--- {player-displayname} grabs their displayname as possibly set by other plugins.
--- {player-role-prefix} grabs their prefix symbols.
- Truce deny commands.
--- Just like other denycommands sections.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed overly protective lectern setting affecting more than faction claims.
- No longer spams console under certain auto-leave configurations.
- Doesn't blow up in console if a data file is empty.
- No longer alerts when a banned user tries to join a faction.
- Now keeps better track of most recently used ID, fixing a rare interaction of disbanded factions and playervaults support.
- Correctly uses translations in the perms GUI.

- Added FactionNewAdminEvent for when a faction gains a new admin/leader.
--- Thank you bertek41 for the code contribution.
----------, Jul 2, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,654
First Release: Sep 2, 2014
Last Update: Feb 11, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
247 ratings
Find more info at factions.support...
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