Added new command `/f listclaims [world] [faction]` to see your faction's claims.
* Locked behind a permission node `factions.listclaims` and `/f perms` default to moderators and up.
* Viewing other factions possible with `factions.listclaims.other` permission.
Introduced new spawn control system in the config, under `spawning`. Note that if you previously had warzone spawns disabled you will want to edit this config ASAP.
Added integration with the plugin Sentinel, automatically added by FactionsUUID on startup.
Moved the scoreboard user prefix template to config, under the name `prefixTemplate`.
Added remaining `/f perms` translations to lang.yml under GUI->PERMS->ACTION and added lore to main.conf under the commands section.
Added new config value `newFactionsDefaultPeaceful` to automatically set new factions as peaceful.
Fixed bug where permission context for faction role was given while not in a faction.
Improved performance with explosion handling.
Reduced risks of plugin dependency loops by removing most dependencies from listing.