Fabled an RPG Engine by MageMonkey.studio (formerly ProSkillAPI) icon

Fabled an RPG Engine by MageMonkey.studio (formerly ProSkillAPI) -----

Pair this with Divinity to complete your RPG experience!

ProSkillAPI 1.1.10-R0.14
-New ChatTrigger that will trigger when certain text is entered into chat
-New experience booster added using permission nodes
-Added 4 new casting options (see below)
-Made some small optimizations when loading combat mode and skill bars

XP Booster Explanation:
Using the permission "skillapi.exp.booster.150" would give 150% multiplied by experience, which would be the same as "exp * 1.5"

Using the permission "skillapi.exp.booster.50" would give 50% multiplied by experience, which be the same as "exp * 0.5"

The higher experience booster will always take higher priority over the lower amounts and they do not stack.

New Casting Options

Hand swapping (F by default) enters casting mode
Assigned skills are displayed in the action bar
Pressing the corresponding number key casts the desired skill
Skills are assigned through the /class skill menu

Hand swapping (F by default) enters casting mode
Assigned skills are displayed as a title
Pressing the corresponding number key casts the desired skill
Skills are assigned through the /class skill menu

Hand swapping (F by default) enters casting mode
Assigned skills are displayed as a subtitle
Pressing the corresponding number key casts the desired skill
Skills are assigned through the /class skill menu

Hand swapping (F by default) enters casting mode
Assigned skills are displayed in the chat
Pressing the corresponding number key casts the desired skill
Skills are assigned through the /class skill menu
----------, Sep 16, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32,991
First Release: May 1, 2021
Last Update: Nov 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings