Fabled an RPG Engine by MageMonkey.studio (formerly ProSkillAPI) icon

Fabled an RPG Engine by MageMonkey.studio (formerly ProSkillAPI) -----

Pair this with Divinity to complete your RPG experience!

ProSkillAPI 1.1.8-R0.32
Make sure you update to the latest ProMCCore if you are using this version!

You can download ProMCCore here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/promccore.93608/

-Update to 1.20+
-Fix permission mechanic in editor (removed the child containter, it had no purpose)
-Fix for non-skill items dissapearing in skill trees
-Fix for SkillAPI module for Java 16
-Added new ExpSource that is not shared and is only used for interal exp manipulation
-Translate placeholders on class action bar
-Fixed an issue that would break the attr gui if item wasn't found
-Fixed an issue with world whitelist
-Make it so sklls do show multiple times for parents
-Make sure ProSkillAPI loads before ProRPGItems
----------, Jun 21, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32,991
First Release: May 1, 2021
Last Update: Nov 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings