ezAuctions icon

ezAuctions -----

A simple, text-based auction system

Rewrite plugin from the ground up.
  • Minecraft versions 1.20.1 and up supported. Anything under is NO LONGER supported
  • Existing config.yml and messages.properties files MUST be deleted! There have been numerous changes in these files and using the older versions WILL cause errors
  • Flat file storage type is no longer supported. The default storage type is SQLite, but MySQL/MariaDB are also supported.
  • Database structure has been redone. This means that your database will be starting from scratch. Player ignores will be gone, saved items that players have yet to retrieve will be gone, etc)
  • If you are using the plugin API at all (for events through code or DiscordSrv for example), you will need to update to use the latest API as most things have changed. The same events still exist, but underlying event data may have changed.
New features
  • Folia supported! The plugin now runs smoothly on the multithreaded Folia server platform. Spigot and Paper are still supported.
  • All messages replaced to use MiniMessage! This message format allows for advanced message features and ultimate control of your chat messages
    • Using MiniMessage, you can now format your numbers to any locale. See the below example where all the numbers have been formatted in Arabic. The item name is in Arabic due to the user's language being set to Arabic.
  • You can now add click commands, player hovers, and more. See https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html for more details
  • Addon messages (skull, autobuy, sealed, repair) no longer have to be on separate lines. See the below example where the skull messages is right after the item name
  • Custom formatting for custom item names. As you can see in the screenshot above, the item has a custom name of "Skull of Notch" and has thus been italicized
  • Gradients now supported
    • Scoreboard also supports MiniMessage
  • Console logging of auctioned items full data. You can now protect your player's items in the event of a server crash while an auction is running or just have detailed logs of what players auctioned
Code (Text):
[20:17:13 INFO]: [ezAuctions] Item starting in auction. Auctioneer: Elian Amount: 1 Item: DIAMOND_SWORD NBT: {Damage:0,Enchantments:[{id:"sharpness",lvl:5s}],RepairCost:1,display:{Name:'{"text":"mlg sword"}'}}
  • Plugin operations are almost entirely asynchronous, reducing load on the main thread for non-Folia servers
----------, Aug 9, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,040
First Release: Jun 20, 2017
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
34 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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