A few new features and changes. Thank you for using this plugin!
- Players can no longer receive auction winnings on blocked auction worlds
- Per world auctions are now available. When enabled the player must bid in the world where the auction was started and must be in the world to receive their winnings (delayed until they return)
- The auction starting min/max are now configurable
- Fixed errors with /auc remove
- /auc end is now available to end auctions early while still having the winnings go to the highest bidder
- Plugins can implement their own database (check the merge request linked below)
To view all changes see the merge request here
Merge Request
To view the config/messages file on the wiki click the links below
Config Changes:
command.no_perm={prefix}&cYou don''t have permission to run this command!
command.no_current_auction=&cThere is no current auction.
# {0} is the error messages
command.error_prefix={prefix}&cError: {0}
# {0} is the base command. {1} is the syntax
command.usage={prefix}&cUsage: &b{0} {1}
command.auction.start.invalid_start_price.min={prefix} &cStarting price is too low!
command.auction.start.invalid_start_price.max={prefix} &cStarting price is too high!
auction.end={prefix}&9The auction has been ended!
command.bid.wrong_world={prefix}&cYou cannot bid in this world! You must be in {0}.
reward.blocked_world={prefix}&cYou cannot receive items in this world.
reward.relogged_blocked_world={prefix}&cYou have winnings that cannot be claimed in this world.
# {0} is the world in which the item resides
reward.wrong_world={prefix}&cYou cannot collect your winnings until you return to world {0}.
reward.relogged_wrong_world={prefix}&cYou have winnings in world {0}. Return to that world to claim them.