ExplodeAny (Obsidian Breaker & TNT Explosion Modifier) icon

ExplodeAny (Obsidian Breaker & TNT Explosion Modifier) -----

Customize explosions, break obsidian, underwater TNT, Folia support, many integrations and more!

The compatibility update

- Added support for Bukkit 1.7+: ExplodeAny is now truly compatible with older versions of Minecraft. Any version between 1.7 and 1.19.4 should work just fine, with some caveats:

For Bukkit 1.16 or lower:
- No compatibility with Magic: Magic explosions will be considered Vanilla

For Bukkit 1.13 or lower:
- Reduced particle compatibility: "force" will not be used when spawning particles

For Bukkit 1.8 or lower:
- No particles at all :(
- Vanilla entity "DRAGON_FIREBALL" is not supported

- Added support for Magic: Explosions caused by entities spawned by Magic are no longer considered vanilla. They can be customized in their own section, "MagicEntity". (See compatibility below)

- Added metrics: Metrics are turned on by default, but they can be turned off in the configuration.

- Added the ability to change or remove the locale prefix: [ExplodeAny] can be customized now.

- Added some new localization variables: %DURABILITY_PERCENTAGE% for ChecktoolUse, %PRETTY_MATERIAL% for ChecktoolUse and ChecktoolNotHandled.

- Added support for more particles: now "Material" is a valid property when configuring the Particles section. It will only be used for particles whose data type is either "MaterialData", "BlockData" or "ItemStack" (see this page)

Particles, sounds and even materials and entities are subject to the specific Bukkit version you are using.

- Improved some localization strings.

- Improved performance
----------, Apr 4, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,015
First Release: Nov 7, 2020
Last Update: Aug 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings