Hello all, it is once again that time of the year and I am delighted to be able to bring you the EvenMoreFish Christmas event! Bringing 24 (+ a surprise) unique fish for each day leading up to the 25th of December! Each day, each player has the opportunity to catch
1 of each limited-edition fish while your server's local time zone displays the date corresponding to the fish for that date.
- Added a set of 25 unique fish within their own file (xmas2022.yml), the fish provided by Rach from the SurvivalQuest server.
- Added a new file, xmas2022.yml - you may notice this mentions a GUI, this will be added in the part 2 update which should be out within the next week or two.
- Added the Christmas 2022 rarity, unfortunately this cannot be translated directly, right now you need to use the displayname setting to modify this.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
- Oheers