EvenMoreFish ▪ Extensive fishing plugin ▪ icon

EvenMoreFish ▪ Extensive fishing plugin ▪ -----

A fishing extension bringing an exciting new experience to fishing.

1.6 - Technical Update
[NOTICE] if you are updating from pre-1.6, you NEED to use the /emf migrate command to use the new V3 database and continue storing data. (This will not delete your current data, a new folder called /data-archived/ will be created)
This update fixes a lot of bugs to improve the quality of life whilst using the plugin, as well as making way for future updates. Some pretty vital parts of the plugin have been completely re-written such as the messaging system, which brings messages from the config to players - allowing for tags like -s and [noPrefix] to be applied, giving you more control over messages in the messages.yml file.
  • Added a new version of the database, titled the V3 engine, this stores all data on a SQL or MySQL instance, if you are upgrading from V2 you need to run the /emf migrate command.
  • Added PLACEHOLDERS, these are %emf_competition_place_player_*%, %emf_competition_place_size_*%, %emf_competition_place_fish_*% and %emf_competition_time_left%. The * indicates the place in the leaderboard the placeholder will cover, for example %emf_competition_place_player_3% will show the player in third place when the competition is running.
  • Added two new competition types, SPECIFIC_RARITY and LARGEST_TOTAL, information about them both can be found on the wiki page.[​IMG]
  • Added two variables to message translation in the messages.yml file, -s and [noPrefix], -s prevents the message from being sent and [noPrefix] causes the prefix to be removed where applicable. A full list of where these can be found is on the wiki page.
  • Added a requirement system, this lets you define a set of custom parameters required to catch certain fish. More information on how to set this up can be found on the wiki page.
  • Added the ability to get your own head from fishing, using the following example:
    Code (Text):
      Rarity 1:
        Fish 1:
            own-head: true
    (this works for baits too).

  • Added the ability to remove baits entirely by removing them from the baits.yml config.
  • Added /emf admin clearbaits to remove all baits
  • Added ItemsAdder support, (massive credit to @sarhataboat).
    Code (Text):
      Rarity 1:
        Fish 1:
            material: "itemsadder:special_fish"
  • Added the ability to change the style of the bossbar, (credit to @xiaozhangup).
  • Added the ability to limit fish catching to certain fishing rods or those with the permission emf.use_rod, (credit to @theFSO)
  • Added the ability to give fish or rarities with space in their name using the command /emf admin fish Multiple_Word_Rarity Multiple_Word_Fish.
  • Changed all NBT handlings to be carried out by NBT-API, (massive credit to @sarhataboat).
  • Fixed the gui.filler-error item not disappearing with the gui.sell-(all-)item-error when the user interacted with the shop.
  • Fixed data about the random head chosen and the player who fished the fish being lost when a head-64/uuid fish goes through a place/break cycle.
  • Fixed SPECIFIC_FISH not respecting the weights of fish when choosing which fish to use.
  • Fixed the competition timer always appearing to lag across all servers.
  • Fixed that baits wouldn't be able to use the {lore} variable, (credit to @emmanuelvlad).
  • Fixed that baits couldn't be given to players through the console, (credit to @emmanuelvlad).
----------, Jul 14, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 43,497
First Release: Apr 14, 2021
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
130 ratings
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