- More bug fixes/changes.
There's still a fairly large todo-list before 1.5.1, but this covers all current changes made - the full changelog can be seen below.
This version adds three new metrics to the bStats metric collector, publically available at
https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/EvenMoreFish/11054. These include fish caught, baits used and baits applied - if you do not wish for this data to be anonymously recorded, you are able to disable this in your bStats config in your /plugins/ directory.
- Added /emf toggle - the permission node for this is emf.toggle and the messages included will be automatically added to your messages.yml file in English, updating the config version to 10.
- Added the ability to define the potion for fish, using the "potion" setting within the item configuration.
Code (Text):
material: COD
potion: ABSORPTION:10:2 # --> Absorption II potion for 10 seconds.
- Added the ability to specify users to view /emf shop ("/emf shop Oheers" as an example). This is covered by the emf.admin permission node.
- Added the ability to disable competitions by removing the competitions section in competitions.yml
- Added fish caught, baits applied & baits used as metrics recorded by bStats.
- Added the ability to play a sound when a competition starts, add start-sound to the competition or general section followed by one of the following sounds: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
- Added the Korean translation (credit: sovoro.kro.kr)
- Added a -q: parameter to both /emf admin fish and /emf admin bait to specify the amount of baits/fish to be given.
- Added the ability to use the drop-quantity config value to baits to specify how many baits should be given in the bait catch.
- Fixed override-lore not working
- Fixed database issues.
- Fixed competition bossbars not supporting colour codes [more changes on this to follow shortly].
As per usual, if you have any questions or need support, the best place to go is
the discord server.