At long last,
baits have finally been added to EvenMoreFish! These will allow you to give players boosts they can use on their fishing rods to impact the catch-rates of certain fish that you can define in the baits.yml file. This feature is likely to have quite a few bugs in it at first, so please don't hesitate to get in touch with me on
the support server to report these bugs or ask for help if you're struggling to understand something.
There will also be another update in a few weeks time adding a few other tweaks, if I've told you something other than baits will be in this update then don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it, I've just decided to bring 1.5 forward with its key feature as I've realised I'll be busy over the next few weeks and need to be able to fix bugs that arise from the baits.
Without further ado, here's the changelog!
Added baits, /emf admin baits, baits.yml. These are applied by dragging them onto fishing rods whilst in survival mode. Hold SHIFT to add more than one at a time.
Added the comp-check-exempt setting for fish, this lets them appear even if you have fish set to only appear during competitions.
Fixed a bug where items would sometimes get lost in the /emf shop.
The lore structure of fish is now fully customizable, this has appeared in your messages.yml file at the bottom.
Added the ability for fish to only enter competitions if they're in a certain world (required-worlds in the general section of config.yml)
Added the participation value for rewards, this will give participation rewards for all competition entrants.