It's been lovely hearing how much your players have been enjoying the christmas update and how their collections are coming together, I hope everybody's had a great christmas and continues to have a happy new year - however this version sadly removes the Christmas update from the plugin. To brighten things up a bit however, a few new features were added to compensate.
- Reverted event features from Christmas 2021
- Added the ability to set fish durability percentage.
- Materials/heads can now be set to choose a random value for the fish.
- Interact-event now only fires when players right-click air when not shifting.
- Changed skull saving so the plugin no longer tries to save placed blocks as skulls if they aren't a PLAYER_HEAD object.
- By adding comp-check-exempt to a fish, they will appear in the catch table even if a competition isn't going on.
A wiki page for the fish.yml has also been added, it took a lot of hours of work so please forgive any typos that may be present.