Festivities have begun! This update is the first of its kind for EvenMoreFish and contains a preview of an upcoming feature via the
/emf xmas command. Users can now have their progress saved on previously caught fish and view stats about their catches, right now this is limited to the Christmas-themed fish in the
/xmas2021/xmas2021.yml file: each day a new fish from this file will be unlocked and users will be able to catch it - you can modify everything from the day each fish appear to the Christmas rarity colour & weight and more.
Note: the emf.xmas permission node is needed to view the advent calendar.
The blur effect was created using a photo editing software and cannot be achieved by the plugin.
- Added dye-colour as an option for fish, this follows by a string of rgb hex.
- Fixed song names and potion effects from showing in fish lore when using music discs or potions
- Added /emf xmas
- Added 25 fish and a Christmas rarity for 2021. These fish can only be caught between 1-25 December, 2021.
- Added a fish recording system that generates user files in a /users/ folder. Data from before 1.4.2 regarding fish being caught in the "Fish" database in database.db is sadly incompatible.
- Added Turkish translation (credit: Drevya)
- Fixed multiple bug fixes and some performance tweaks (full credit to HSGamer's git pull requests)
- Added emf.xmas permission node.
- Added the value place-fish-blocked to config.yml to prevent player head fish being placed. This won't generate by default in the file.
- Added the ability to whitelist fish only in certain regions, using the allowed-regions value for fish in the fish.yml file.
And finally, have a wonderful Christmas!
- Oheers