There is now a discord support server for either general discussion about the plugin or support.
Added EMFFishEvent and EMFRewardEvent for future usage with an API. Documentation around this will be coming within the next few days (though they are fairly basic additions)
It's possible to only run competitions on specific days now (more info below)
More parts of the GUI can be modified (credit to exzolink, more info below)
Added option for a prefix before fish rarities
Added option for closing the EMF shop to sell items.
EMF shop size can be changed
Rewrote parts of competition leaderboard code.
Bug fixes
Code (YAML):
# For customizing the /emf shop GUI gui: # Fills the empty slots of a normal /emf shop filler: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
# Fills the empty slots of /emf shop when there's an error (i.e. the player trying to sell nothing) filler-error: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
# The item for the player to click to sell their fish sell-item: GOLD_INGOT
# The item for the player to click to confirm selling their fish sell-item-confirm: GOLD_BLOCK
# The item shown to the player when an error occurs (i.e. trying to sell nothing of value) sell-item-error: REDSTONE_BLOCK
# How many rows the selling area of the GUI should be (max 5, min 1) size: 3
# Should the items be dropped(false) or sold(true) when a player exits an inventory? sell-over-drop: false
Code (YAML):
# The days for the competitions to run, use integers to represent the day days: - 2
# Monday - 3
# Tuesday - 4
# Wednesday - 5
# Thursday - 6
# Friday - 7
# Saturday - 1
# Sunday
Code (YAML):
# Sent to players when they fish an EvenMoreFish fish fish-caught: "&l{player} &rhas fished a {length}cm {rarity} {fish}!"
# The text shown in a fish's lore before the length of the fish fish-length: "&fMeasures {length}cm"
# "cm" needs to come after {length} now if you want it to appear in the game. This is to aid translation efforts which will be included in the next update.
And the config-version has updated for both
messages.yml and
Code (YAML):