As well as adding new features, this update
fixes a major bug, please update as soon as is possible.
Added a new eat-fish event, this is triggered when a player consumes a fish caught from an event, please refer to the new fish.yml for an example on how this can be used, once the event is triggered, the fish is eaten as normal so won't stay in the player's inventory. Thanks to @FrostExZo and @luigi_pants for this suggestion.
Code (YAML):
Massive Goldfish:
# The results from the custom event follow the same format as the rewards given in config.yml's competition reward section. eat-event: -
"MESSAGE:&eYou've received a gold ingot!"
Added the ability to only notify players holding a fishing rod that somebody has caught a fish with the new broadcast-only-rods option in the config. Thanks @CloudeLecaw for this suggestion.
Fixed a major bug that allowed players to take the confirm icon into their inventory
The /emf shop now changes its filler items to red and informs the player that they can no longer sell items if the total worth in the inventory is $0.
To use the changes made to config, you can either regenerate your configs using the new .jar file, or add the following to your pre-existing config files. When updating config-version, be sure to remove the old entry.
Code (YAML):
# Should broadcasted catches (defined in rarities.yml) only be shown to players holding fishing rods? broadcast-only-rods: true
Code (YAML):
# The name found on the error item in /emf shop when the gui contains no items of value. error-gui-name: "&c&lCan't Sell" # The lore below the error item in /emf shop when the gui contains no items of value. error-gui-lore:
- "&c&lValue: &c$0" -
"&cAdd your caught fish to this." -
"&cGUI to sell them."