Hologram Display when a player tried to place the ender eye on the end portal frame. (thanks
@SnowCutieOwO for the suggestion!)
Make sure to have
DecentHologram installed to use this feature.
Config update (copy and paste this to your config):
Code (Text):
# Cooldown in seconds. You can adjust this value as needed.
hologramCooldown: 1
# The format of the message to send to players when they attempt to use the end portal and when the portal is accessible
- "&fEnd Dimension will be accessible on:"
- "&6%endportaltimer_date% %endportaltimer_time% %endportaltimer_timezone%"
Added a default value for timezone in the config file to prevent startup error.
Make sure to go to this
site to get the supported timezone value.
Let me know if you have feedback, suggestions, or bug reports in the thread