Added remove-illegal-excess-enchant.ignore-join-time option, if set to value greater than 0, within how many ticks a player joins the server, this feature will not be processed.
Added option, if set to true, this feature will be run at main thread only.
Added support for display remove-illegal-excess-enchant message at console.
Added remove-illegal-excess-enchant.ignore-join-time option, if set to value greater than 0, within how many ticks a player joins the server, this feature will not be processed.
Added option, if set to true, this feature will be run at main thread only.
Added support for display remove-illegal-excess-enchant message at console.
The recent update to EnchantmentSlots has brought about significant configuration destruction. The configuration prior to this version is completely unusable in this version. You need to delete the existing plugin configuration file and regenerate it.
This version will have the Match Item Format provided by the MythicChanger plugin built-in, so the Match Item Format feature in this version no longer requires MythicChanger.
As a result, the previous configuration of distinguishing items based on item IDs has become completely ineffective. We have replaced all places related to distinguishing items with match item format.
The configuration of Extra Slot Items is now stored separately in the extra_slot_items folder, instead of all being stored in the config.yml file.
Item Slots Settings are now stored separtely in the item_slot_settings folder instead of all being stored in the config.yml file.
The internal code of the plugin has undergone significant changes to reduce the workload of later maintenance.
We have added a prompt for the remove excess enchants feature. If the plugin removes a player's enchantment, the player will receive a prompt message from us.
Added auto-lore.placeholder.parse-lore, if disable, item placeholder feature will no longer work.
Auto lore match item has been replaced to black-item option.
Added auto-lore.lore-prefix option to let you determine lore prefix of enchantment slot.
Removed whitelist-items option in item-can-be-enchanted section.
Removed black-has-lore, black-contains-name, black-contains-lore, black-items option in auto add lore section.
Both them are now be replaced to use MythicChanger match item system, so if you want to use those feature in this version, you have to insteall MythicChanger in your server, and reconfigure your match item settings by reading MythicChanger's wiki. DO NOT UPDATE TO THIS VERSION IF YOU DONT WANT TO INSTALL MYTHICCHANGER.
Fixed HIDE_ATTRIBUTES item flag does not work for item does not have attribute modifier in 1.20.6 and higher version.
This is a bug from Mojang and we can do nothing for this. Plugin will auto add empty attribute modifier if you add hide attributes flag to solve this problem.
Added blacklist-items option in item-can-be-enchanted section, useful for people want to make diamond sword can be enchanted but also want make an RPG item made of diamond sword material that cannot be enchanted.
Added keep-greater-slot option in SmithItemEvent listener config, if enabled, even new generated slot value smaller than existed slot value, we will still keep use existed value as new upgraded item's slot limit.
Fixed the issue where the client displayed wrong level when the anvil was unable to add enchantments to an item due to the enchanting slot being full.
Player level never been taken by EnchantmentSlots, it just a client-side display issue.
Renamed set-slot-trigger.SetSlotPacket.remove-illegal-extra-enchant option to set-slot-trigger.SetSlotPacket.remove-illegal-excess-enchant.
Added set-slot-trigger.EnchantItemEvent.cancel-if-reached-slot option, if set to false, we will just try remove excess enchantment for this enchant instead of cancel this enchant event.
Fixed if item does not has enchantment slot NBT, plugin will always remove it's enchantments by /enchant command or similar way.
Added add-lore.placeholder.enchants.level-hide-one option, if set to true, plugin will not display enchantment level if the enchantment max level is 1. (Just like vanilla enchantment display doing)
Added SmithItemEvent listener to set-slot-trigger.
Added enchantment slot limit check for SmithItemEvent, if upgraded item can not meet enchantment slot limit, plugin will auto cancel this upgrade.
Added enchantment slot update for SmithItemEvent, if you set different slot for diamond sword and netherite sword, for now after upgrade, netherite sword should update it's slot to new value.
Now {enchant_amount} will use same value as {enchants} placeholder, also this will make plugin performance better.
Now use {enchants} in third-plugin will also use enchantment sort.
Now support use {enchants} in third-plugin's enchanting book item.
Added add-lore.placeholder.enchants.sort option, default to true, if set to false, will disable enchantment sort feature.
Fixed {enchants} sometimes does not display vanilla enchantments when using ExellentEnchants. (This is ExcellentEnchants bug, EnchantmentSlots just try fix it by manually add vanilla enchantment display)
Added ExcellentEnchants v4 support and drop v3 support.
Added enchantment display sort feature. Only support EcoEnchants latest and ExcellentEnchants latest for now.
ExcellentEnchants v4 has a bug that vanilla enchantment doesn't display correctly, for now EnchantmentSlots will auto display vanilla enchantments after custom enchantments provided by ExcellentEnchants.
Added settings.set-slot-trigger.add-hide-enchant-flag option to set whether we auto give item hide enchants flag to avoid it display custom enchantments plugin's lore.
Now item-can-be-enchanted.whitelist-items option also supports third-plugin item ID. If you didn't write item ID here, third-plugin item will use vanilla item ID as it's key.
Fixed disable auto-add-lore option will lead to SetSlotsPacket.enabled no longer work, it will be always be put to false instead of value you set in config.yml.
Updated default config.yml value to v2 style-like.
Fixed some placeholders does not work when you set lore at first.
Now support enchantment book's stored enchantment meta.
Now set-slot-trigger.EnchantItemEvent,enabled and AnvilItemEvent,enabled no longer effect plugin's item reached slot limit check. Those options now only effect whether plugin trys add real NBT info for item to make item's slot become fixed and reduce plugin performance footprint.
Renamed InventoryClickEvent to AnvilItemEvent. Moved previous version's InventoryClickEvent to the new InventoryClickEvent config.
This lead to breaking config change:
Moved settings.add-lore.trigger section to settings.set-slots-trigger.
Moved only-in-player-inventory, use-listener-plugin, packet-listener-priority option become add-lore's subsection. Old section still work but maybe removed support in future updates.
Now creative mode won't be allow to use extra enchantment slot item because it won't work in creative mode.
Fixed when extra enchantment slot item fail to add enchantment slot will ignore the max slot limit and consume the extra enchantment slot item.
Start from this version, EnchantmentSlots will always add enchantment slot lore to item that can be enchanted. This can not be disabled, if you don't want this, please use 2.5.1 version.
Improved only-in-player-inventory option, please view this video, if enabled, plugin will never try add enchantment slot lore to items in other inventory unless they have enchantment slot NBT.
Improved trigger.Packet.enabled option, now plugin will try add real enchantment slot NBT to item instead of add fake lore after enable this option, this will save server performance.
Start from this version, EnchantmentSlots will always add enchantment slot lore to item that can be enchanted. This can not be disabled, if you don't want this, please use 2.5.1 version.
Improved only-in-player-inventory option, please view this video, if enabled, plugin will never try add enchantment slot lore to items in other inventory unless they have enchantment slot NBT.
Improved trigger.Packet.enabled option, now plugin will try add real enchantment slot NBT to item instead of add fake lore after enable this option, this will save server performance.
Now default-slots and max-slots section will accept 0 value, before if you set to 0 plugin will consider you are putting wrong value and make it be default value.
Improved black-item-contains-lore option, you can just type a word in it instead of need put full single lore line to it, useful for people want to make enchantment slot won't display in other plugin's menu.
Now modify packet listener are running at async method, which means EnchantmentSlots will make less effect to server, however this way maybe lead to other issue, if you found it, report it to me!
Moved message configs from config.yml to new message.yml.
Recoded language system, plugin will now auto update missing language message.
Removed black-creative-mode option at config.yml.
Recoded item modify method, now creative mode will never has dupe lore problem.
Added cancel-add-slot-if-reached-max-slot option, default to true, if set to false, if player has reached max slot limit after upgrade and then contine use add slot item, it will just try set item enchantment slot to the max value instead of cancel this upgrade action.
Added cancel-add-slot-if-reached-max-slot option, default to true, if set to false, if player has reached max slot limit after upgrade and then contine use add slot item, it will just try set item enchantment slot to the max value instead of cancel this upgrade action.
For previous version, you should use %enchantmentslot_has_empty_slot% to display the placeholder. (enchantmentslot, not enchantmentslots, this version has fixed this.
Fixed when using ProtocolLib as packet listener plugin, enchantment slot lore disappearing when players quickly and frequently click on the same item.
Added {raw_enchant_name} placeholder which has same feature as the previous {enchant_name} placeholder.
Now new {enchant_name} will be replaced enchantment's display name, including enchantment tier color (EcoEnchants and ExcellentEnchantments only), color code in enchantment and so on.
Added use-tier-identify-slots option in config.yml.
This option can set weather use item tier instead of item ID to identify item slots. If this item plugin don't have tier, will still use Item ID as identify.
Added support for EcoEnchants v11, v10 version is still supported in this version.
Added option in config.yml, which can set specified items won't display enchantment slot lore but still has enchantment slot feature.
By default, book and enchanted_book material will use this new feature.