EnchantmentForge | enchantments & spells | 65+ enchantments (1.14 - 1.21) icon

EnchantmentForge | enchantments & spells | 65+ enchantments (1.14 - 1.21) -----

Create your own fully custom enchantments and spell, and much, much more!

Color update!
New Features:

Improved all text formatting. Now all text will only support hexadecimal color codes (#123abc), and removed legacy color codes (&a). Also added color gradients (smooth transition between two colors).

Regular color format:

Gradient color format:
Any amount of hex colors separated with a dash '-'

Text formatting:
<!bold> - bold (also <!b>)
<!italic> - italic (also <!i>)
<!underline> - underline (also <!under> or <!u>)
<!strikethrough> - strikethrough (also <!strike> or <!s>)
<!obfuscated> - obfuscated (also <!obfuscate> or <!o>)

New formatting (example):

Code (YAML):
< #ff0000><!bold>Red text in bold
< #ff0000-#ffff00-#00ff00><!italic>Red to yellow gradient text in italic
Note! That all text is changed to new format, however, some colors will not be the same as in this update, as there have been made several color changes to configuration, language, tiers, dust, station files. If you haven't configured any of those files, you can delete them and let the plugin load the new files with better colors.

New commands:

~ /ef apply essence - to apply essence to the held item
~ /ef apply slot-regular - to apply enchantment slots to the held item
~ /ef apply slot-godly - to apply godly enchantment slots to the held item


Removed spells and commands related to spells, due to complete spell overhaul. In upcoming updates spells will fully be added.
----------, Aug 16, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 91
First Release: Dec 6, 2020
Last Update: Feb 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings