Added Breach, Density, and Wind Burst mace enchantments
In Level 50 system, Density goes up to level 6 and Wind Burst goes to level 5
Made Breach and Density mutually exclusive and conflict with Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Bane of Anthropoids, and Quick Strike
Enchantment Locations:
Added Trial Chamber enchantment location for Wind Burst enchantment
Currently does not work
Added Copper Grate, Chiseled Copper, Copper Bulb, Chiseled Tuff, Polished Tuff, and Tuff Bricks to break.yml for use with enchantments like Height/Width/Depth++
Add most exceptions to debug.yml
Now generates a debug.yml file and a file
debug.yml includes basic information including when it was generated, plugins on server, activated compatibilities and debug messages sent from Enchantment Solution includes debug.yml and all major files in the EnchantmentSolution folder
Modified en_us to include references to
Stone Throw:
Added Breeze to list of mobs Stone Throw affects
Added Turtle Scute to drops
Scute already in list, but 1.20.5 changed name of this item
Added Glow Ink Sac to drops
Lowered chance of Ink Sac dropping
Lowered chance added to Glow Ink Sac
Fix for issues with potion effects and potion effect enchantments in certain Minecraft versions
Fix for Silk Touch having Looting as conflicting enchantment instead of Fortune
Fix for Quick Strike conflicting with Smite but not vice-versa
Fix for /esdebug sending message to wrong sender in certain instances