Allows players to combine enchantments on items such as swords, pickaxes and tridents to be higher levels (i.e. Sharpness I + Sharpness I = Sharpness II)
Defaults to true
If false, can still combine levels on books unless enchantmentsolution.anvil.combine-levels-books is false
Allows players to combine enchantments on books and enchanted books (i.e. Protection I + Protection I = Protection II)
Defaults to true
If false, can still combine levels on items unless enchantmentsolution.anvil.combine-levels-items is false
Added anvil.repair_from_final to config.yml
Defaults to false
If true, an items repair cost will be uncounted in an anvils total repair cost, and the only thing that matters is the rarity of the enchantments on the item at the end and whether the item is being repaired by materials or the item
Changed the method by which anvils add enchantments to one easier to follow and including all above permissions
Removed anvil.no_upgrade_books_to_non_books, anvil.no_upgrade_non_books, and anvil.no_upgrade_books
Each of these are now by player using the permissions above
Removed enchantmentsolution.anvil.god, enchantmentsolution.anvil.demigod, and enchantmentsolution.anvil.demigod-books
Each of these permissions were not easily understood, thus were changed and expanded with the newer permissions
Fix for item cost being incorrectly higher on items and incorrectly lower on books
Fix for Irene's Lasso having problems being recognized in certain situations
May break older Irene's Lasso items; will be fixed and animals kept upon reenchanting