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EliteMobs -----

Minidungeons, Arenas, Bosses, Custom Loot, Quests, MMORPG progression & more!

1.21.1 update, and an absolute ton of new features and fixes
EliteMobs 9.1.3:
- [New] Updated to Minecraft 1.21.1
- [New] Elite protection of dungeons now blocks doors and trapdoors correctly as intended
- [New] Named dungeon instancing tasks on timings to allow better debugging and optimizations
- [New] Added the scale setting to NPCs to allow for NPC scaling
- [New] Now correctly preventing players from dumping buckets in elitemobs worlds
- [New] Now correctly defaulting to allowing liquid flow in elitemobs worlds, can be configured per-dungeon package to allow or deny through the settings `allowLiquidFlow` in the dungeon packager config
- [New] Added the ability to play songs in dungeon packager content using the `song` setting with the same method and syntax as the custom boss song system
- [New] Added /em protection bypass command to bypass dungeon protections and edit the world
- [Fix] Fixed problem that was causing dungeon instantiation to not delete correctly and the recovery code on startup to not clear instanced dungeons on startup
- [Fix] Frosted ice from ice walker now correctly melts in dungeons
- [Fix] Fixed new permissions not allowing players to use /ag to teleport to the adventurer's guild
- [Fix] Fixed new permissions now allowing players to talk to quest givers
- [Fix] Slimes and similar entities no longer constantly trigger the antiexploit
- [Fix] Fixed the /em quest reset all <playername> by renaming it to /em quest resetAll <playerName>
----------, Aug 11, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 169,566
First Release: Apr 27, 2017
Last Update: Yesterday at 6:14 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
269 ratings
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