Do you want a racing plugin where you can choose a race upon when you join the first time? Then this is for you! Races allow players to chose their race to get different perks. For example, the orc gets Resistance I forever. Now you might ask, how would a player choose their race? When a player first joins the server it automatically forces the player to open a menu from where they are required to select a race if they try to exit the menu it will reopen the menu for them. Create your own Custom Races, customize what you want the name to be!
• Races Effects - Race Effects allow you to add customizable effects to each race. You can find a list of effects here. (Located in Races.yml)
• Race Changing - Race changing allows you to change your race and join a different one. Adds a new way for you to make money by giving a token to a player which allows them to change their race once for token they have.
• Race Channels - Adds a very unique channel system which can be selected and configured accordingly in the config.yml. By using the static channel system it forces the player to select one channel and they can only read messages that are sent to that channel. By using the dynamic channel it allows the player to see 2 channels at once for example if a player is a Human they can see global chat and Human chat they can easily type in the human's chat by typing /channel (msg) or switch to the human's chat by just typing /channel
• Race Top - display the top races on your server. (their balance and kills)
• Versions Supported - All server versions are supported, from 1.8 to 1.12 (1.13 is currently experimental).
• Placeholders - A lot of placeholders are included
Update/Change Log: + Added the following to the EliteAPI
EliteAPI.getUpgrade(setName, percentage)
+ Added more optimisations to the commands
+ Added more command auto completions
+ Improved performance with commands (Faster Execution, Less laggy auto suggestions)
Bug Fixes: + Fixed issues with Timings error
+ Fixed random compatibility issue
+ Fixed issues with crates
Upcoming Updates: + YAML error checker
+ Rework of the effects (More customisability and optimisation)
+ Cooler effects