Phantom_Crate: # Crate Name (This will be case sensitive when executing the command) Material: "CHEST"# Set the material of the crate Type: "ARMOR"# This is the fun bit. You can choose between ARMOR or UPGRADE # If you picked ARMOR this crate will only give armor pieces from the set given below # If you picked UPGRADE this crate will only give upgrades from the sets given below # At random percentage rates. Name: "&c&lPhantom Lootcrate &7(Right Click)"# Self Explanatory Lore: # Self Explanatory - '&7Right Click to unlock a random'
- '&7piece of &c&nPhantom&7 gear!'
Sets: # Here is where you put all the sets you would like this crate to use. - 'Phantom'
Initial_Sound: "CLICK:5:30"# SOUND:VOLUME:FREQUENCY Final_Sound: "LEVEL_UP:5:30"# SOUND:VOLUME:FREQUENCY # Leave the Volume & Frequency at 1 if you don't know what they are.
+ Fixed issues with Heroic armor not giving any damage
+ Fixed issues with weapons
+ Fixed Upgrade message no formatting placeholders
+ Fixed massive error about placeholderapi on startup for some people