Elevators icon

Elevators -----

A lightweight and simple means of vertical transportation

Better jump detection, fix for some protection plugins, GriefPrevention usage support
Better Jump Detection
Jump detection has always been a little strange in Bukkit/Spigot. Despite the velocity change from jumping occurring on the server, a "PlayerJumpEvent" hasn't been made except in some forks like Paper (Which I can't use because I want to support native spigot.)

The method for detecting jumps is listening for the players movement and the difference between the current y value and the previous y value.

I can proudly say that I have rewritten the jump detection code to fix issues where stepping up to a nearby block would cause you to move up a level. I have also, to the best of my ability, fixed the issue where jumping over the elevator will cause you to move upwards. In general, the efficiency of the math in the event was also improved.

Fix for Protection Plugins

In the last update, I made a move to purely saving data via NBT instead of using methods like storing data to the name of the shulkerbox entity. Unfortunately, when a shulkerbox entity is broken, it keeps all the NBT data stored to it except for the ones supplied by plugins. I don't know if this was an oversight, or on purpose, but it ruined the ability to naturally drop the elevator as an item either way. I had to intervene with a listener for BlockBreak and manually drop a new elevator item, which some protection plugins lagged behind mine on listening to the event.

Well... Not anymore. Elevators has natural support for 'V2' stored elevators. That is, elevators stored by the box name versus the NBT tag. Instead of listening to break and spitting out a new item due to loss of NBT, this version will run first and change the name of the shulkerbox entity to match that of the V2 system. This means that the plugin will be able to recognize the dropped item is a "V2" elevator and will convert it to V3 again on pickup. A bit hacky, but in comparison, a computer is a rock we taught to think.

Regardless, this fix should allow protection plugins that didn't cooperate with the previous update to work again. Known ones were WorldGuard and the protection system provided by BentoBox.

Grief Prevention Support

The main goal of making this update was to add in GriefPrevention support after it was recommended to me by a person with the name "mtoth."
So I tried my hand at it :)

Elevators already respected GriefPrevention in terms of breaking and placing, but all players were able to use the elevators. This is why I added in support for GriefPrevention directly.
This update introduces two new boolean config options (and locale player messages) that will control this feature.

' supportClaims' will default be true. If this is disabled, the plugin will naturally allow all players to use the elevator.

' claimProtectionDefault' will default be false to replicate old behavior. When enabled, this will ensure that all placed elevators will only work for trusted players by default.

Since I provided a 'default' value for the config, this should give clues that there is a method of changing the value per elevator. This is true :) For Minecraft servers 1.14+, trusted players in claims will be able to 'sneak-right-click' elevators to change whether or not that individual elevator will allow anyone to traverse it, or only trusted users. Unfortunately, I cannot get this to work for 1.13 servers due to the lack of ability to set NBT to the entity itself. They are stuck at the config's default.

I also snuck in a cute little animation for the shulkerbox. I Hope you enjoy this feature :D


The addition of something that is toggleable per elevator is unique to this version. Previously, all elevators followed the same rules. I hope the update + method in which I allow the change is received well. I don't mind changing the methodology based on community input, so feel free to speak your mind. I personally had this update finished for a few days, but was hesitant to put it out. I finally decided to release it due to the mentioning of disagreements with protection plugins.

Regardless, thank you all for supporting me with this plugin. If you come across any issues with it, please let me know via DM or the discussion forum and I will work to fix the problem.
----------, Apr 26, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,040
First Release: Jan 3, 2017
Last Update: Jul 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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